Your trustee liabilities: are you aware of them?
I meet many people who are trustees of other people’s trusts. Generally these trusteeships are taken on by well-meaning friends or family who have limited, if any, understanding of the obligations and even more importantly - the trustee liabilities.

Construct Brands Limited Case Study
Andy Smith is the CEO and founder of Construct Brands…

Food for Thought: Pros and Cons of a Family Trust
Do you have a family trust? It’s more than likely with an estimated…

How to hit the ground running in 2016
I love the start of a new year and the sense of optimism that…

Personal liability of directors and officers under the Health and Safety Law Reform Bill
With personal liability of directors and officers due to the HSE reform, you must proactively manage health and safety. What does this mean in practice?

Using Scarcity to Make More Sales
For an online business owner, scarcity is a valuable tool that…

Inspiring Marketing Examples
NB: we recommend splitting this blog post into six smaller posts.…

Improving your business with better time management
When things are hectic, most small business owners wish they…

How to Maximize Your Assets before Retirement with Tactical Investing
Risk tolerance, time horizon, and asset allocation - you've dealt…

6 Proven Ways to Improve Your Content Writing
When it comes to writing for blogs, not all content is created equal. Many articles are rushed, poorly written, and lack the research to back them up, all of which can drive away traffic and leave visitors with a negative first impression. The good news is that with the right know-how and a bit of effort, virtually anyone can dramatically improve their writing skills. Below are some of the most important tips and techniques for honing your writing in order to create high-quality, search engine optimised content.