Entries by Giles

Food for Thought: Pros and Cons of a Family Trust

Do you have a family trust? It’s more than likely with an estimated 1m+ trusts set up in the 1970s and 1980’s to avoid inheritance taxes. However, since these were abolished in in 1993, many people are considering if they still need to have a family trust.   For a start, a trust needs to […]

How to hit the ground running in 2016

I love the start of a new year and the sense of optimism that accompanies it. My team is refreshed and invigorated after the summer break and there is plenty of excitement and enthusiasm thinking about all the opportunities that lie ahead in the next twelve months.     So what can you do now […]

My Top 5 Life Hacks Tips for 2015

From a personal and business perspective, for me 2015 has been the year of the “life hack”. Per Wikipedia, life hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life.  In other words, being innovative and achieving better results, something which my team and I […]

Does your professional trustee know what to do if you aren’t around?

Often, settlors of a family trust think that in the event of their deaths, their wills will cover assets held by the trust such as a family home. However, this is not the case. Wills can only deal with personal possessions and assets.  Treatment of a family home held by a trust cannot be covered […]

Re-organise your Organisation for success!

If you are feeling overwhelmed in terms of the number of different tasks you are trying to do and / or have employees who could be supporting you more, we recommend doing an Organisational Review of your business. Doing this will allow you to define who should be doing what to improve efficiency and give […]

Does your Family Trust have an IRD number?

If you have a family home in a trust, changes proposed under the Taxation (Land Information and Offshore Persons Information) Bill will more than likely require your family trust to register for an IRD number. From 1 October 2015, anyone buying or selling property will need an IRD number. This includes non-income generating family trusts […]

Grow your profits with add-ons

I attended the Xero roadshow last week and amongst the plethora of product updates and business advice was a gem I wanted to share with our clients. Xero is big on big data analysis and they have found that businesses using Xero with just one additional piece of add-on software are 24% more profitable. In […]