What is involved?
Prior to the workshop all attendees will complete the pre-work to get thinking about their values so that everyone is prepared to gain maximum benefit from the session.
During the workshop, we will:
- Share what Core Values really are and the benefit of having them
- Brainstorm what values the attendees hold to be important
- Prioritise values to have five or less final Core Values
- Develop a key definition for each Core Value
- Discuss and plan how to unveil and display your new Core Values
Differences in values, beliefs and strategies within your business can not only disrupt and destabilise the Team and culture in your business, but will also impact the service you provide to your clients. If you don’t have a set of Core Values that define expectations and behaviour then we recommend you contact us today.
Call us on 0800 758 766 to further discuss our Core Values Development service.
This Workshop has qualified for the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme. Please enter your voucher details when making your booking. We will verify your voucher with the Issuing Regional Partner before confirming your place on the course. For more information on the NZTE Capability Development Voucher scheme or to find your local Regional Business Partner click here
Core Values Workshop – 25% Discount!
This comprehensive Core Values Workshop is valued at $1750 ex GST.
Call today and receive a discount of 25% – Phone 0800 758 766.